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February 21, 2020
Brother BQ3050 and its 3 free motion feet and 5 from Quilt Social

Welcome back! I hope you enjoyed making some crumb quilt projects this week using the Brother Innov-ís BQ3050 machine.


Block with crumb pieced border made on the Brother Innov-ís BQ3050 machine.


Yesterday I showed how to make blocks using crumb quilt strips for borders. I made 3 – 10½” blocks for a table runner, but of course, you can make as many blocks as you like.

How to finish the table runner using 3 crumb-pieced blocks:

  • Sew 1½” x 10½” sashing strips between the blocks.


Sew sashing strips between the blocks.


  • From border fabric, cut 2 – 5″ x 32½” for side ...

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February 20, 2020
Piecing the crumb quilt is easy using the ¼” foot with guide from Quilt Social

Yesterday I showed how the use the Brother Innov-ís BQ3050 machine to make some crumb quilt fabric cut into 2½” x 8½” strips to use for borders. Now I’ll put it all together.

sewing instructions

  • Sew a 1½” x 6½” strip to one side of a 4½” square using a partial seam.
  • Press seam toward strip.


Sew a 1½” x 6½” strip to a 4½ square, using a partial seam.


  • Sew another 1½” x 6½” strip to the next side of the square.


Sew another 1½” x 6½” strip to the next side of the square.


  • Sew on the ...

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February 19, 2020
How to piece crumb blocks into larger pieces of fabric from Quilt Social


My first crumb quilt made on the Brother Innov-ís BQ3050


Today, I’ll show another project using the same crumb quilting technique, but this time I’ll be using dark-colored scraps. The batiks are so easy to use in a project like this, as the edges don’t fray or stretch. This is really important because of all the bias edges that occur when crumb quilting.

Here are the basics for creating the crumb blocks, but please refer back to the QUILTsocial blog posts on Days ...

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February 18, 2020
Crumb blocks for a wall quilt from Quilt Social

Yesterday I showed how I used my Brother Innov-ís BQ3050 machine to make some crumb fabric with little scraps of fabric I had been tucking away for a future project.


Crumb fabric made from little scraps


Now it’s time to use my new fabric. Of course, I could have kept making these crumb blocks, but I wanted to get on to another project using my dark batik scraps. So I decided to make a little wall quilt which could also be used as a table topper.

Let’s get started!

  • From crumb fabric, cut 9 – 6½” blocks.



Arrange the ...

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February 17, 2020
Crumb quilting: What’s it all about? from Quilt Social

Most quilters can’t bear to part with scraps of favorite fabrics and tend to keep them in little bins and boxes for future use. Crumb quilting, although not a new idea, is enjoying a resurgence now as we try to use up all those bits of fabric we’ve been saving. Basically, it’s sewing small pieces of fabric together to make new fabric which can be cut up to make blocks, borders, sashing and more.


My batik scrap bucket


This week on QUILTsocial, I’ll be using the Brother Innov-ís BQ3050 machine to do some crumb quilting using ...

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January 24, 2020
Creative projects using Brother Innov-ís BQ3050 Circular Attachment from Quilt Social

Welcome back! I hope you’ve enjoyed making some Valentine themed projects this week using the Brother Innov-ís BQ3050 machine and the Circular Attachment.


Brother Innov-is BQ3050


I’ve used the laser light for several projects over the last 3 months. Here are a couple of videos that you might like to watch for even more information about this great feature. In Video 2 you’ll see the Brother Dream Machine, but the laser light works the same way on the BQ3050.

Video 1 Laser Guided Sewing

Video 2 Half Square Triangles with laser light


The laser light shows an ...

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January 23, 2020
Piecing the heart together on this sweet Valentine-themed quilt from Quilt Social

Yesterday I showed how to make 2 decoratively stitched fabric circles using the Circular Attachment and the SA186 open toe foot on the Brother Innov-ís BQ3050 machine. Today I’ll show how to make a simple pieced heart and use these circles to make a border for a little Valentine quilt.


Brother Innov-is BQ3050 machine



Red heart fabric

2 – 3½” x 6½” rectangles for heart shape
4 – 4½” squares for outer border

Light border and background

4 – 1½” squares
2 – 3½” squares
2 – 1½” x 6½” rectangles
2 – 1½” x 9½” rectangles


Squares and rectangles cut for a pieced ...

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January 22, 2020
Using the Brother Circular Attachment for a new quilt design experience from Quilt Social

Yesterday, I finished off piecing a Valentine table topper using the Brother Innov-is BQ3050. The sewing fun continues as I make another Valentine-theme project today. Let’s go!


Brother Innov-is BQ3050.


Last month in my QUILTsocial posts, I introduced a fascinating attachment for the Brother Innov-ís BQ3050 machine – the Circular Attachment. You can read my post, Endless design possibilities with the Brother Circular Attachment here.


This Circular Attachment fits several different Brother machines.


The Circular Attachment can be used on several other Brother machines as well. There are two extra feet with the attachment – a braiding foot and a cording ...

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January 21, 2020
This ¼” piecing foot makes easy work of piecing the Valentine table topper from Quilt Social

Yesterday I showed how to make the strip sets and add background squares and rectangles to them with the Brother Innov-ís BQ3050 machine. The laser light feature makes sewing those half square triangle corners so easy! Now it’s time to put everything together.


Brother Innov-ís BQ3050


Sewing instructions

  • To make one heart block, arrange the strips as shown in the picture below. Try not to have 2 squares of the same fabric next to each other.


Arrange 5 pieced strips like this



The very useful ¼” piecing foot for the Brother Innov-ís BQ3050


  • Sew the strips together using either ...

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January 20, 2020
Making a Valentine’s Day four heart table topper from Quilt Social

Welcome back to QUILTsocial! This week I’ll be using some unique features and attachments on the Brother Innov-ís BQ3050 machine to create some easy Valentine’s Day projects.


Brother Innov-ís BQ3050 machine


Today’s quilt uses a pieced heart design. I used scrap fabrics for my quilt, but you could use fat quarters or jelly roll strips for the pieced hearts.


Four Heart table topper or wall quilt


cutting instructions

Hearts (red)
16 – 2½” x about 16″ strips in a variety of colors
1 – 2″ square to use in the sashing

Background (light color)
16 – 2½” squares
8 – 2½ ...

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December 20, 2019
Endless design possibilities with the Brother Circular Attachment from Quilt Social

Welcome back! I hope you’ve enjoyed making some disappearing blocks using the Brother Innov-ís BQ3050 machine this week. I encourage you to try this technique with other blocks as well. Starting with a large block, like the 18″ ones I made on Monday and Tuesday, makes it easy to use this technique. Choose a block with simple piecing and you’ll have endless design opportunities. Have fun!

From my September QUILTsocial posts, I showed how to make several projects with some Disappearing Nine Patch blocks. You might like to have a look at these posts for more inspiration.


Disappearing ...

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December 19, 2019
Quarter square triangles make many disappearing quilt blocks from Quilt Social

Yesterday I showed how to use the laser light on the Brother Innov-ís BQ3050 machine to make very accurate quarter square triangle blocks.


Use the laser line as a guide for accurate sewing.


Now itʼs time to cut the blocks apart, make the original design disappear and create a whole new block. I made several quarter square triangle blocks using a variety of 10″ squares, so I’ll have lots of design possibilities.

  • Cut 2½” strips from 2 sides of each block as shown in the picture below.


Cut 2½” strips from 2 sides of each block.


  • Rearrange the 2½ ...

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December 18, 2019
Turn 10-inch squares into quarter square triangle disappearing quilt blocks from Quilt Social

Yesterday I used the laser light on the Brother Innov-ís BQ3050 to make half-square triangles. Today, I’ll use the same great feature to make quarter square triangle quilt blocks.

This is a good project for using 10″ squares (layer cakes) or using fabrics from your stash. It’s a very scrappy look, so don’t be afraid to mix and match.

Start with (12) 10″ squares – you can always make more blocks later if you like this design.


10″ squares ready for the quarter square triangle blocks


  • Turn on the laser line by pressing the laser line button.
  • Press ...

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December 17, 2019
1 quilt block, 3 disappearing quilt block options! from Quilt Social

Yesterday I showed how to use the Brother Innov-ís BQ3050 to make a simple, disappearing quilt block. Today I’ll make 2 quilt blocks, rearranging the fabric placement in each one for a different effect.

fabric for 18″ block


Fat quarters from Banyan Batiks Island Vibes collection


cutting instructions

Fabric 1

  • (1) 9½” square

Fabric 2

  • (4) 2¾” x 9½” rectangles

Fabric 3

  • (4 ...

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December 16, 2019
FUN with disappearing quilt blocks! from Quilt Social

Last month in my QUILTsocial posts, I showed how to use the cord guide bobbin cover, decorative stitches and bobbin work on the Brother Innov-ís BQ3050 machine to make some quick and easy gift bags.


Gift bag embellished with bobbin work on the Brother Innov-ís BQ3050 machine


This week, I’ll be exploring the magic of disappearing block designs. In previous QUILTsocial posts, I showed how to make several projects using a disappearing nine patch technique. I thought since this technique works for nine patch blocks, it can probably be used for other blocks as well, so I decided to ...

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November 22, 2019
1 last gift bag and the beauty of the BQ3050’s help screen from Quilt Social

Thanks for coming back to QUILTsocial as I make another quick and easy gift bag using just a few of the many techniques available on the Brother Innov-ís BQ3050 machine. So far this week, I’ve shown you how to use the cording bobbin cover to add decorative trim, create words to embellish fabric and using decorative stitching with bobbin work.

One of the features on this machine I’ve come to really appreciate is the easily accessible help screen. When I press the? key at the bottom of the LCD screen, this menu pops up.


The main help screen ...

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November 21, 2019
Adding bobbin work as a decorative element makes a charming gift bag from Quilt Social


Gift bag with decorative cording


Today I’m doing some decorative bobbin work. I had never used this technique before, but now I can see all kinds of possibilities for using it. The bobbin work bobbin case and the bobbin case cover are included in the bundle of supplies that comes with the Brother Innov-ís BQ3050.

To prepare for bobbin work, remove the regular black bobbin case and replace it with the ...

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November 20, 2019
The BQ3050 bobbin cover makes it easy to add decorative cording from Quilt Social


Gift bag made with character stitches on the Brother Innov-ís BQ3050


Today, I’m using the bobbin cover that lets me add some narrow cording to my project for a decorative finish.


  • (8) 2½” x 10″ strips of fabric for the bag. I cut strips from some precut 10″ squares from a layer cake.
  • (2) 8½” x 10¾” for the lining
  • (1) 16½” x 3½” in a contrasting color for the cuff at the top
  • (1 ...

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November 19, 2019
Character stitches take the holiday gift bag from simple to outstanding from Quilt Social

In yesterday’s post, I showed how to use the features of the Brother Innov-ís BQ3050 to make a simple, basic gift bag look professionally made.


Gift bag made on the Brother Innov-ís BQ3050 machine


We often don’t use all the features on our machines, so making these little gift bags is a good chance to use some different features and create a small, useful item at the same time. In last month’s QUILTsocial post, I made a holiday table runner, and used several decorative stitches.


Table runner from QUILTsocial October 2019


Now let’s start using the ...

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November 18, 2019
Sewing holiday gift bags like a pro using the Brother Innov-is BQ3050 from Quilt Social

Last month in my QUILTsocial posts, I introduced you to the Brother Innov-ís BQ3050 machine. You can check out all the features of this machine by clicking on the Specifications tab on the Brother website.


Brother Innov-ís BQ3050 machine


I’m still finding my way around on the machine, but I’ve learned lots more about some special features I’d like to share with you this week while I make some cute little Christmas gift bags. These are small bags, about 7″ x 9″, but they can easily be made larger.

So gather up some Christmas or holiday fabrics ...

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  • brother innov-ís bq3050
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